Our Business Crime Team in partnership with Parkguard continues to address crime issues in the Angel area. Recent activity included:

  • A man found guilty of the theft of £200 worth of stock at Uniqlo received a fine and banning order.
  • A prolific offender was arrested in connection with the £2,000 theft of glasses from David Clulow Opticians. Having admitted the charges, he was bailed to return for sentencing at a later date.
  • A known male offender who has failed to appear in court for the second time resulted in a bench warrant issued for his arrest.
  • A prolific thief remains on remand. He awaits trial for multiple theft and burglary charges.

Following discussions at the last ward panel meeting, the BID's Business Crime Officer Gerry Morgan lobbied for one of the three policing priorities to be changed to theft/shoplifting. As a result, the BID joined local police officers to assess and address concerns at a walkabout around Angel last Saturday (pictured above). Additionally, the BID, in collaboration with the council’s Anti-Social Behaviour case management team, is in the process of issuing civil injunctions against two prolific shoplifters. The police is also handling six other individuals who qualify for Criminal Behaviour Orders. If you would like a visit from the BID Business Crime Team, or need advice on crime prevention, contact the BID’s Business Crime Manager Gerry Morgan at Gerry@angelislington.london.

Image (left to right): Sergeant Caroline Nku, PCSO Elle Pyke, a local resident, PC Abdul Noor, BID Business Crime Officer Gerry Morgan