January business crime prevention update

Our Business Crime Team in partnership with Parkguard continues to address crime issues in the Angel area. Recent activity included:
- 26 occasions where individuals or groups were requested/directed to leave the area.
- 79 instances of crime prevention advice provided.
- 29 nuisance adults identified.
- 1 individual detained/arrested by police.
- 5 joint patrols conducted.
- 17 anti-social behaviour warnings issued.
- 4 individuals brought to the attention of police.
- 24 occasions where members of the public were assisted
In the lead-up to the festive period, the Business Crime Team carried out several high- visibility joint patrols with the police. Additionally, the top eight prolific shoplifters are being actively processed with the aim of securing either Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBOs) or injunctions.
If you would like a visit from the BID Business Crime Team, or need advice on crime prevention, contact the BID’s Business Crime Manager Gerry Morgan at Gerry@angelislington.london.