Schemes to tackle local youth unemployment were shared at a recent Angel Responsible Business Network (ARBN) session.

The ARBN event on April 17 was an 'employment special', featuring a range of projects keen to match businesses with local people in need of work.

Projects showcased included those supporting particular groups of jobseekers such as refugees and disabled residents, programmes providing work placements for students undertaking qualifications in coding and web development, funded apprenticeships, and youth services helping young people access work experience opportunities.

Speakers keen to connect with local businesses included:

  • Jane Pavady from the Disability Friendly Employment Programme, operated by Islington Council.
  • Danny Estrade who spoke about the Refugee Employment Programme, operated by Islington Council.
  • Jamie Littlewood, who introduced apprenticeship schemes and the benefits they brought to employees.
  • Rosemary Braithwaite, who introduced the Subsidised Placement Scheme operated by Islington Council, which is funded to place 15 Islington residents furthest from the jobs market into employment placements.
  • Matt Harvey who shared the short term placement scheme run by Capital City College Training.
  • Luke Brown from the BIG Alliance mentoring and volunteering scheme, which is looking to develop initiatives with SMEs.
  • Rachael Box, who introduced charity the Local Village Network, which is seeking volunteer mentors.
  • Mary’s Youth Club for 10-to-19-year-olds, which is looking for work placements for its users. The charity also offers first aid training, and team building events for businesses.

To find out about any of these schemes and how you can get involved, click on the links above.

ARBN continues to grow as more businesses and charitable organisations in the neighbourhood want to collaborate for social value and local good.

If you are looking to hire, mentor or provide work experience for someone local, or want to find out more about ARBN, get in touch with