More than 100 businesses visited on Retail Action Day

The BID Business Crime Team joined local police to take stock of retail crime in the area. Joint patrols visited shops and businesses in the Angel area to hear the issues they were facing and offer advice and solutions to help address them. Tackling prolific shoplifters is a high priority and the teams spent time advising on how to report crimes and provide the evidence needed to get convictions. Seventeen police officers and PCSOs were involved in the day with the BID’s Business Crime Officers Gerry and Leoni, engaging with more than 100 businesses. Police also carried out four 'stop and searches', and issued one cannabis warning and a fine for anti-social behaviour. Similar future events are planned so watch this space to book a visit to your business. You can also join our Crime Reduction Partnership WhatsApp group so you can share real-time information. To join, or for any other crime prevention advice, email Gerry or Leoni at and The next Business Crime Reduction Partnership meeting will be in June at a date to be confirmed. The next Angel Pubwatch meeting will be on June 4, 3pm, at The Lexington, 96-98 Pentonville Road. For enquiries email