Celebrate Chanukah on Islington Green

See Islington Green light up with praise and song for the Jewish festival of Chanukah this month. Join celebrations on Thursday, December 26, from 4pm to 6pm, where the nine-branch menorah (multi-branched candelabra) will be lit. Sing traditional Chanukah songs and listen to live klezmer (traditional instrumental) music during the free event, which is organised by Chabad Islington. Have a go at making your own Chanukah card with Cass Art, shadow puppets with Little Angel Theatre, and a dreidel (spinning top). Keep out the cold with delicious latkes, doughnuts and hot cocoa. There will also be a free raffle with prizes including an Arsenal T-shirt, and gift cards from After Noah and Angel Flowers. Sign up to the event to be entered in the draw.