Gather on Islington Green for Armed Forces Day 2024

Islington Veterans' Association invites you to march down to Islington Green on Saturday, June 29, for Armed Forces Day.
Bring a picnic and meet veterans, cadets and other organisations that support the Forces community.
Enjoy a Service and Parade in the morning with military band music in the afternoon. Come along 10.30am-3pm.
Thanks to Waitrose, which will once again donate flowers for the ceremony, Tesco for donating pastries, doughnuts and water, and Belanger for providing pastries and toilet facilities.
Angel Islington BID is also providing teas and coffees for event organisers and guests via the Vent concession on Islington Green. The BID’s Business Crime Officer Gerry will also be attending.
Image: UK MOD Crown Copyright 2022