A Great Experience
Reducing crime - Safer communities - Cleaner neighbourhood
We are dedicated to creating a safer and welcoming neighbourhood for everyone to live, work and visit.
Our crime reduction and security training initiatives empower our members to tackle the challenges of retail and business crime. Our Business Crime Officers are on the ground to support and advise our members every day while the Business Crime Reduction Partnership unifies businesses, police and other agencies to devise a strategic approach to address issues. These are complemented by our active PubWatch and BusinessWatch groups, which reinforce support networks between police, council, community and business.
We’re also creating a smarter neighbourhood. Seven recycling services (paper, cardboard, plastics, printer cartridges, white goods, furniture, and coffee grounds) are included in the BID levy, as well as street cleaning and graffiti removal services.

A Strong Local Identity
Green initiatives - Welcoming neighbourhood - Community support
We’re focused on creating a more sustainable Angel. Our Angel Responsible Business Network, sees businesses, charities and civic institutions collaborate to enable greener ways of working, and support greater economic and social inclusion. The BID also works with strategic partners such as Transport for London and Islington Council to advocate and advance clean air and net zero initiatives.
Angel is an unmissable place to visit any time of the year – and we want to keep it that way. Our year-round floral displays and street furniture, including our very popular bike planters, ensure the area is an attractive place to work and visit, while our seasonal lights ensure the Angel always delights in the holiday season.
But it’s not just about the look and feel of a neighbourhood, it’s also about how its community is supported. Our work with the area’s charities amplify their campaigns and widens awareness to help them do more great work for the area.

An Inclusive Economy
Championing businesses - Campaigning and lobbying - Communication and marketing
We want to help the Angel thrive. We champion our members in a number of ways:
• Advocacy and campaigning - representing our members’ interests and concerns from planning and licensing to business rates and grant support
• Facilitating a range of training courses from crime prevention to becoming B Corp
• Supporting our members through regular and innovative B2B and B2C marketing and promotions including exclusive member and employee offers and events such as Angel Loves Summer and the Summer Social, community events to engage the wider public, monthly newsletters, social engagement and features such as Angel Loves Indies.